CIMA will be observing a meeting of Toronto’s Economic Development Committee tomorrow at 9:30 AM in Committee Room 1 at City Hall. The committee will be discussing several items pertaining to the Toronto music industry. Namely, the city’s General Manager of Economic Development and Culture will be recommending that Toronto’s City Council:
Adopt the terms of reference for a Toronto Music Advisory Council;
Request that a Councillor-at-large member be appointed to the advisory council;
Direct the General Manager of Economic Development & Culture to bring recommendations for citizen members to the advisory council to the January 20th meeting of the Economic Development committee;
Endorse the terms of reference for the Austin-Toronto Music City Alliance Advisory Committee; and
Inform the City of Austin that Toronto City Council looks forward to working to establish a formal dialogue and create meaningful trade partnerships.
The General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, will also be tabling a report on Toronto’s Music Sector available to read here. CIMA is pleased that research from our Sound Analysis study helped contribute to the report.
CIMA is supportive of the City’s efforts to grow Toronto’s music industry. Canada’s domestic industry, represented by CIMA, is heavily invested in both the City of Toronto and the success of it’s music community.
Please note that this meeting is open to the public. As such, any-and-all interested members and partners should feel welcome to observe as well.