CIMA is proud to announce that our website has been completely overhauled to better suit the needs of our members and the domestic music industry at-large. After several months of hard work, CIMA is confident that the new website will better communicate the scope of our activities, as well as better engage our members.
One of the main goals of the new website is to explain our activities to the world in a simple, clean and organized manner. CIMA protects the industry through advocacy, but also creates opportunities for members through events and tradeshows. Information, news and resources pertaining to each of these missions can now be found in separate, streamlined sections of the website.
CIMA has also taken this opportunity to update our membership management system, with the purpose of improving our membership communications. The revamped membership section contains a new membership directory, application system and membership section, which will allow for more payment options. CIMA will be sending login information to members in the coming weeks, which will enable both payment and editing of member profiles.
It is important note that the development of the website delayed our 2013-14 membership invoices. These have now been sent out and can be paid online. Please note that invoices were sent with the subject “New Invoice From Canadian Independent Music Association (CIMA). If you did not receive an invoice, please contact
We invite you to send us your comments on the new website.